The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek

The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek
The above is a screen capture from Bloomberg Businessweek July 10, 2010. The url was recently changed to to make people believe there is no connection between EESTor and, the #1 site of pumping EEStor on the internet. Update-EEStor's web site URL has been deleted.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Never was, and never will be"

The following is NanoCarbons' opinion on Zenn's press release, 6/21/12. 
"I think the press release was written by lawyers to avoid lawsuits. It does not solve Zenn's problem.
EEStor did not perform (again), so this provides more legally vetted excuses. Now 5 years worth.  Pricing adjustments and additional shares will not solve Zenn's basic problem that there is no there, there. Never was, and never will be. The basic physics and economics were publicly made clear by myself (gratis) back in 2008 to anyone who cared to investigate."
NanoCarbons LLC