The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek

The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek
The above is a screen capture from Bloomberg Businessweek July 10, 2010. The url was recently changed to to make people believe there is no connection between EESTor and, the #1 site of pumping EEStor on the internet. Update-EEStor's web site URL has been deleted.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Scams are US-Ian Clifford Feel Good Cars

Before EEstor/ZENN/The EEstor Corp. scam, there was Feel Good Cars Inc. scam.   Ian Clifford CEO of FGC signed a joint venture with Alternate Energy Corporation (AEC) to produce affordable vehicle that operates not on fossil fuel, but water.  As in EEscam story, nothing was delivered by AEC to FGC...why, because it was a SCAM. 
During the EEscam days whenever someone brought up the AEC scam apologist and enablers of Ian Clifford's scams made excuses for IC saying he was naive, he was taken advantage of because he is a nice guy.  What a bunch of BULLSHIT.  When you connect all the dots, everything Ian Clifford is involved in are all scams.  More to come on that courtesy of fellow blogger, extraordinaire citizen investigative journalist Thubten.
This is the FGC/AEC scam story in case you missed it:
Hydrogen-Electric Hybrid Car Planned
Alternate Energy Corporation in association with Feel Good Cars to produce affordable vehicle that operates not on fossil fuel but water.
ZENNTM by Feel Good Cars to be Combined with Hydrogen System
ZENN by Feel Good Cars to be Retrofitted with AEC Hydrogen System

Part 1 of 2 (click here for part 2)
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2004

Take one all-electric vehicle, add an alternator to keep the battery charged, powered by an onboard internal combustion engine that runs on hydrogen, and top it off with an onboard hydrogen generating system powered by water, and you have the dream combination -- coming soon.

Alternate Energy Corporation (AEC), ticker symbol
ARGY, announced Tuesday that they, together with Feel Good Cars Inc. and others, intend to produce a prototype hydrogen powered internal combustion engine electric vehicle.

With twelve prototype all-electric urban low speed vehicles on the road, Feel Good Cars (FGC) is preparing for production in September of this year, with two thousand in the first year, according to Ian Clifford, President of FGC.  The ZENN™ plant is capable of manufacturing 10,000 cars a year.

Feel Good Cars intends to provide the platform and technical know-how relative to their ZENN™ electric technology, which stands for "Zero Emissions No Noise."

Limited to 25 miles per hour, the ZENN is a city-driving-only vehicle.  As a low speed vehicle (LSV), the ZENN is governed by special licensing and registration stipulations that vary from state to state in the U.S.

Alternate Energy Corp (AEC) specializes in making hydrogen on the fly for a hydrogen-powered back-up power system for industries, business, and home.  In this, their main project, they use a truck engine that is designed to run on hydrogen.  They expect to be in production of these units also by the end of the year.

Now that they have met each other, AEC plans to retrofit a ZENN so it will run with electricity produced from an on-board 3-HP internal combustion engine that runs on hydrogen that is produced on the fly from water.  They estimate that there will be not only enough electricity to recharge the battery, but also to run the motors.

Their objective is a hydrogen-from-water powered car that can be produced at a price affordable to middle income households.

"What comes out the tail pipe is a mist of water," said Blaine Froats, Chairman of AEC.  "For every gallon of hydrogen fuel in, you get one gallon of water vapor out."

Clifford estimated that the hybrid hydrogen-electric vehicle they are producing in associate with AEC will be ready for initial on-road testing in early 2005.  Froats expects that AEC can meet that schedule.  The AEC press release was even more ambitious, envisioning a demo unit by the end of this year.

"All drive components are ready to go," said Clifford.

"Traditionally, the problem with hydrogen systems is in being able to store it," he said.  "The low pressure hydrogen-on-demand system [by AEC] makes a lot of problems go away.  We are very excited about it."

"The internal combustion engine is a no-brainer, the drive motors are there," said Froats.  "We know from our research and development findings that our on-board hydrogen generation system can economically produce the required hydrogen."

"The complexity of the project is in the electrical side of things," he said.  "When the battery has enough charge, the generator needs to shut off.  Regulating that properly can be a bit tricky."

The proprietary generator takes about six minutes to begin producing hydrogen from water, to run the alternator.  It takes about three minutes to stop running.

The battery they anticipates using can run the car for about 6-7 minutes before requiring charge.  "This is more than ample time for [the hydrogen generator] to be up and going", said Froats.

According to their press release issued yesterday, they anticipate that "the project can provide an alternative to large electric vehicle battery systems and thereby eliminate the need to recharge via electricity produced from the burning of fossil fuels."  Downtime attributed to recharging goes away.

AEC recently demonstrated this hybrid approach on a 1 kilowatt Astris Golf Cart with onboard fuel cell.  "They needed exactly 10 liters of hydrogen per minute, and we delivered bang on", said Froats.  The ZENN will require about 30 liters of hydrogen per minute.

The secret of AEC's propriety technology for generating hydrogen from water is found in the composition of a special alloy that emits bubbles of hydrogen when immersed in water.  Separate the alloy from the water, and the bubbles stop.

The consumption of water in the process is negligible.

The limiting factor is that the alloy is gradually spent in a chemical process that results in an inert substance.  So the alloy needs to be replaced in the system.  In tests, the alloy produced hydrogen for 60 days before it began to cease production.  Another test, by the inventor, who does not wish to be known to the public, ran for 90 days.  A major testing lab is in process of running a wide array of tests to characterize the system capabilities.

"We are presently discussing various ways we might address this," said Froats.  "One idea is to use pellets that could be cycled through."

"If you think about it, 60 days is a long time to be driving straight without ever stopping," said Froats.

The 3-HP internal combustion engine that runs on hydrogen was also developed by an engineer formerly with a major motor company.  The alternator is also an integral part of the internal combustion engine developed by the same team.  AEC recently acquired the rights to use the proprietary hydrogen technology to power an internal combustion engine.

"This combination will give us a strong market edge not just here but in many applications," said Froats.

AEC believes that the initial sales price of the vehicle should not be overburdened by the use of the new technology and that the operating cost should be less than the existing cost of gasoline.

part 2
Part 2 of 2
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2004

Alternate Energy Corporation (AEC), ticker symbol ARGY, has secured a technology that generates hydrogen from water in the presence of a proprietary alloy that is made from abundant and inexpensive raw materials.

How it Works

"Depending on how we mix the metallic components, we can either increase or decrease the yield of hydrogen for a particular system's needs," said Bart Seigel, Director of Engineering at AEC.  The alloy "sets up a catalytic reaction that results in the cracking of water," said Seigel.

The process is pH sensitive.  The alloy tablets will contain the necessary pH-effecting chemicals so that when the mixture is added to water, hydrogen bubbles out at a particular rate.  The hydrogen then runs whatever application for which it is required -- on demand.  No storage necessary.

The theory of how this is accomplished is not yet fully developed.  "The polar positioning of the metals somehow results in the changing of the properties of the metal," said Seigel.   The alloy apparently "creates a magnetic field" that is involved in catalyzing the splitting of the hydrogen from the two oxygen molecules of water.

In the past, they were having problems with oxidation -- or scumming -- of the alloy.  They have resolved this now with the addition of a "promotor" in the mix.  Oxygen combines with the alloy in the reaction.  Thus the alloy is eventually spent and requires replacement.

Seigel said they could either use fuel rods or fuel pellets, but that rods would be too bulky and cumbersome to replace.  "Rather than putting petrol in your car, you will be putting pellets in," he said.  The addition of water is negligible.

The raw materials for the secret alloy are found in abundance and will be easy to produce in mass quantities if this technology should become widespread. "No high-energy process is required in obtaining the alloy -- only mining," said Seigel.  Two of the metals are found ubiquitously in many mine tailings.

He envisions a bladder system that would add or remove water from the reaction in order to start and stop the production of hydrogen.

Seigel said the system would be fitted with a pressure release valve to prevent the build-up of hydrogen in the case of a malfunction or wreck.  The intake on their engine designed to run on hydrogen "requires less than one atmosphere of pressure.  A build-up of pressure would merely be vented off into the air."

After the alloy pellets have reacted with water, they are inert and can be used in a number of different ways.

Seigel envisions using this environmentally safe end-product as fly ash in concrete or as a chelator in soil.  He anticipates that the university testing will give them additional ideas about how the spent product can be made useful as well.


Though AEC is satisfied with the testing they have done on the hydrogen generating system, they are in process of finishing the preparatory paperwork with a national testing laboratory to run a gamut of tests on the alloy.

"We are not waiting for the results of these tests before proceeding," said Seigel. "We already know what the alloy will do.  We are having them do the testing to provide independent validation as well as possibly some additional characterization data by which we can further optimize the performance of the alloy."

A university with nuclear science specialty will also be analyzing and the alloy and theorizing how the process takes place.

AEC requests that the names of the testing laboratory and university not be revealed at this time as the paper work is not yet complete for the arrangement.

Electricity Generation

AEC has secured the rights to an internal combustion engine that is designed to run on hydrogen.  "Such an engine requires considerable change" from the carbon-based fossil-fuel driven engine, said Blaine Froats, Chairman of AEC.  "It has to be fuel-injected, and you can't allow any oil to get into the chambers."

The special engine also comes with a specially designed alternator to match it for the generation of DC electricity.

AEC is working on implementing several applications, from an electricity generating unit for industrial, commercial and home power, to an electrical system to supply an electric vehicle -- all from water, and the input of their proprietary alloy.  They expect to be able to do this all at costs that are lower than comparable petrol systems.

Seigel envisions a 5 kilowatt home power unit that would help diminish the peak load burden of a home on the power grid.  "You get enough homes with these, and you don't have to build the next power plant," he said.

Seigel anticipates alpha testing of their home power units within three months, followed by beta testing in the field for eighteen months prior to market introduction.  "It could be more than that," he said.

Presently they are focused on building their company management infrastructure.

Last Tuesday they
announced a venture with Feel Good Cars to retrofit the ZENN electric car with one of their on-demand hydrogen systems.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

EEscam Signs a Manufacturing Joint Venture and a Supply Agreement with Power Symmetry

EEscam fraud story is continuing.  The people who are aiding and abetting in con artist Dick Weir's scam want you to forget about the joint venture Dick Weir signed with Power Symmetry Nov. 21, 2013 to supply EESUs for utility grid applications.  Ian Clifford not once mentioned anything about EEscam delivering EESUs to Power Symmetry at ZENN's 2015 AGM.  Now Ian Clifford and his peddlers (Fibbie) want you to believe there are capacitor companies who can't wait to sign a joint venture with The EEscam Corp for it's "disruptive capacitor".

In case you missed the EEScam Power Symettry press release (documented and date stamped for future litigation purposes),

EEStor signs Memorandum of Understanding with Power Symmetry Inc. for Utility Grid Applications license worth in excess of $20 million

CEDAR PARK, Texas, Nov. 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- EEStor, Inc. ("EEStor") and Power Symmetry Inc. ("Power Symmetry") of Toronto, Canada are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") toward an exclusive license for Utility Grid Applications in Canada and Africa. The license, if all milestone payments are reached, would result in EEStor collecting more than $20 million in license fees. Power Symmetry has paid for the first two milestones and now enters into an exclusive negotiation with EEStor to produce the definitive agreements necessary for implementation of the license.
The MOU also outlines a manufacturing joint venture ("JV") and supply agreement between EEStor and Power Symmetry, whereby the JV will produce EEStor's proprietary and patented Electrical Energy Storage Units ("EESUs") configured for Power Symmetry and their customers.
Power Symmetry will provide the necessary capital funding (to a maximum of $100 million) to construct the production facility in Canada. EEStor will provide the technology and the designs for the production facility, including a commitment for continual upgrades for the facility in terms of product energy density and efficiencies. The production facility, when fully operational, will produce between a minimum of 1000 Megawatt hours ("MWh") and a maximum of 5000 MWh of energy storage capacity on an annual basis. Power Symmetry will have a right of first refusal to purchase all the energy storage production from the JV at a price of no more than $200 per kilowatt hour. EEStor and Power Symmetry will share in the profitability of the JV. Power Symmetry alone will earn revenues from distributing and/or using energy storage capacity purchased from the JV.
The immediate next step is to conclude negotiations and sign definitive agreements based on the details in the MOU. Milestones in the license will include meeting the initial technological specifications, which include a minimum energy density of the dielectric layer used in the EESU, a maximum leakage amount over 12 hours, and cycle-ability measures. Further milestones include delivery by EEStor of energy storage components (multilayer preproduction units) for verification testing and scale units for field testing verification. These and other milestones will trigger further payments by Power Symmetry to EEStor.
A typical usage of energy storage would see Power Symmetry (alone or with partners) buying power from producers, or from electrical grids, using the solid-state energy storage solutions produced by the JV to store purchased electricity and then resell the electric power to the electrical grid and/or power users at a later time. Electrical power would be purchased and stored at night when wholesale electricity prices are relatively low and resold at daytime prices when wholesale electrical prices are generally higher. The efficiency of the solid-state electrical storage devices (loss through leakage will be under 15% over such a time period) provides daily profit opportunities, while the solid-state construction of the electrical storage devices means a significantly longer installation life when compared to chemical battery storage solutions, which lose efficiency on every charge/discharge cycle and ultimately require replacement. Power Symmetry may also sell configured electrical energy storage solutions to commercial, corporate and residential power users to implement the same power cost management activity for themselves, with their own on-site electrical storage.
Mr. Kevin Spall, Founder and CEO of Power Symmetry Inc. said "Our group has identified the fundamental production and lifecycle cost advantages of the EEStor solid-state energy storage solution. We look forward to working with EEStor in delivering an extremely price competitive power buffering and storage solution first into the Canadian electricity market and longer term, into Africa."
Mr. Richard Weir, President of EEStor, Inc. said "Our proprietary and patented solid-state energy storage technology has many applications in many different markets. This Memorandum of Understanding is an effective model for us to acquire the capital needed to implement our expansion. Partnering with Power Symmetry will also provide implementation knowledge that will be critical for EEStor in entering the global grid balancing markets and our other markets in the future."
CAUTIONARY STATEMENTThis press release contains "forward-looking statements," including statements related to potential new customers, investments, and revenues. These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including the risk of development or production delays, the risk that the technology or devices may not perform as expected, component or raw materials delays or shortages, the ability to effectively manage operating expenses and manufacturing operations and the ability to maintain or raise sufficient capital to fund current development and production goals. EEStor's actual results may differ materially from the expected results in this release. Terms of this agreement are not final and may change. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date such statements are made. EEStor does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances or new information after this press release, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Richard Weir, Founder, President and CEO of EEStor Inc.
Mr. Kevin Spall, Founder and CEO of Power Symmetry Inc.
If anyone sees Kevin Spall, ask him how many EESUs Dick Weir shipped to Power Symmetry in 2014 and 2015?
Kevin Spall
Dick Weir