The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek

The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek
The above is a screen capture from Bloomberg Businessweek July 10, 2010. The url was recently changed to to make people believe there is no connection between EESTor and, the #1 site of pumping EEStor on the internet. Update-EEStor's web site URL has been deleted.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

No Test, Just BS

What have we learned from the Air Force Research Lab emails?  The following was posted by mvanwink1999 on  Zenn Yahoo Message Board which I agree with 100%:

No Test, Just BS   14-Sep-10 12:41 pm
"All the FOIA email reveals is DW's reputation for hot air and no delivery. To the AF people, the first thing to do is pin him down, that's when you find out there is no device. The real reason for the NDA's is to keep DW's reputation secret, not the so called technology. Looking for the reason the LM people smile when asked about EEStor?"
Mvanwink1999's post deserves a MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!