***Dick Weir's Leaked Conference Call (June 2009) is Available Online: http://tinyurl.com/haukjf6 *** If anyone believes there is no connection between EEStor Inc. and theeestory.com, they must have a bag over their head. The question is how much compensation and or insider information eestorblog/b/Baghead Brennan Joseph Murphy (owner/administrator of theestory.com) received from Dick Weir for letting EESTor post www.theestory.com as EEStor's homepage?
The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek
Friday, September 9, 2011
Stock Manipulation Scheme
From: (b)(6)
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8:24 PM
To: Boyes, John D; Clark, Nancy H; Huff, Georgianne; Borneo, Daniel R
Subject: eestor: from a concerned citizen
Dear sirs, I am writing to inform you that there is a group of people using the US department of energy and sandia as a tool in a stock manipulation scheme.
For years zenn motorcars has been bilking innocent people out of their savings by claiming eestor technology will work. EESTor have been backing up these claims. I am not sure if you are aware of what has been happening regarding this subject but I for one am outraged if there is any tax payer money going to help out this scheme. I am under the impression that they are trying to bilk our government now out of grant money that would otherwise be used for something that actually shows some promise.
The eestor is generally talked about in a web site called www.theeestory.com. Im sure if you spend a few minutes on there you will understand why I am concerned. The physics are made up and the calculations are based on bad math. They leverage the good intentions of people such as yourlself to make money and I find that disgusting in times like this. I wish someone of your importance would put an end to this sooner rather than later and in doing so, will help innocent people. I cannot sit idly by and watch this happen any longer.
Please help.
Kind Regards,