May 29, 2009 blog by Brennan Joseph Murphy titled EEStor's Tom Weir Discusses Short Term Objectives, Tom Weir is quoted as saying, "Our objective is to complete component testing by September 2009. In parallel, we will be finalizing our second objective which consists of the assembly processes necessary to deliver production quality components and/or EESU's by the end of 2009. "
EESTOR is suppose to be a secretive company yet it's manager (Tom Weir) communicates with a blogger with a bag over his head.
If anyone sees Tom Weir in Austin, ask TW how did EESTor's objective of component testing and delivery production quality components and/or EESU's by end of 2009 turn out. Ops, I forgot EESCAM is "so close" in 2010 and "microns close, hahaha" in 2011.
Greg Weir is Ryan Joseph Murphy's (Brennan's brother) buddy. Tom and Greg were friends with Mort Topfer's kids. Connect the dots. Below is a photo of Tom and Greg Weir, twins:
Tom, Dick, and Greg Weir can thank Brennan Joseph Murphy the eestor news blogger with the bag over his head for my inspiration in this EESCAM story.