The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek

The EESTor/theeestory Connection from Bloomberg Businessweeek
The above is a screen capture from Bloomberg Businessweek July 10, 2010. The url was recently changed to to make people believe there is no connection between EESTor and, the #1 site of pumping EEStor on the internet. Update-EEStor's web site URL has been deleted.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Finger Pointing Has Started

"People say we're late. We're not late! Zenn put out some things but we didn't authorize those statements."
Dick Weir, March 24th 2010.

When Zenn stockholders (the ones without a bag over their head) sue Zenn Motor Corp for fraud, Ian Clifford will be pointing his finger at Dick Weir EEStor CEO for basing his "imminent" statements...Dick will point his finger right back at Ian.  Nice sign of a scam.

BTW-EESCAM will NEVER be delivering anything meeting the patent specs ( US patent 7033406 and US patent 7466536) to Zenn Motor Corp.